How to .....
The preferred method to order is by email.
Please include name, address, postal code and telephone number.
Our prefered payment method is E-mail transfer (we like that), check or Credit Card (call with your number!).
When ordering please indicate you payment method .
We ship upon payment.
..what's next ?
After ordering you will receive a quote including all the items, shipping cost and tax.
And last but not least: you can come to our location and shop. Have a good look at all the candles, moulds and supplies. Have some fun.
And here you can pay with the old fashioned and time proven cash (cash. e-mail transfer or check).
Busy Bee Candle Supply
Beeswax candle making supplies for the hobbyist and professional
Busy Bee Candle Supply
20 County Rd # 1 , PO Box 11
Toledo , Ontario
Tel: 613-275-1112
© 2018 Busy Bee Candle Supplies